Responsible person and contacts

Velibor Pađan

+385(43) 273 226 (centrala)


Trg kralja Tomislava 2, 43000 Bjelovar

Workshop Bjelovar

The facility is aimed at performing the following activities:

  • reconstruction of freight wagons, regular and extraordinary maintenance of freight wagons
  • regular and extraordinary maintenance of diesel engine trains
  • reconstruction of diesel engine trains
  • production of parts for railway vehicles and regeneration of parts and assemblies for railway vehicles; production of forged and pressed products
  • production of pressure vessels
  • production of tools, devices and other equipment for the repair of railway vehicles
  • production and assembly of steel construction
  • creation, investment and ongoing maintenance of own fixed assets
  • machining, blacksmith, locksmith and welding services and other services from the company's activities.

Certifikati, Atesti i ovlaštenja
Certificates, Attestations and authorizations

  • Certifikat ISO 9001 2015 - Bjelovar - hr Download
  • Certifikat ISO 14001 2015 - Bjelovar - hr Download
  • Certifikat ISO 45001 2018 - Bjelovar - hr Download